Call for applications
A call is open for researchers in philosophy and theology for the year 2026 until March 31, 2025
- Duration of stay: 3 to 6 months (between January and May 2026)
- Application deadline: March 31, 2025
- Time to develop a personal research project.
- Financial support: Funding is available to facilitate the stay and research
- Host institution: IQS – Universitat Ramon Llull (Barcelona)
- Language: English (knowledge of Spanish will be taken into account)
Context and Objectives
The Visiting theologian program is a proposal organized by IQS – Universitat Ramon Llull and Jesuïtes Catalunya (the Society of Jesus in Catalonia), in collaboration with Cristianisme i Justicia, ESADE, UNIJES, and the Kircher Network. Its aim is to strengthen the presence of theological reflection within the Jesuit university ecosystem in Barcelona. Through the Visiting Theologian Program (VTP), we seek to promote the dialogue between theological, philosophical, and religious reflection and the contemporary challenges in our world, with the final goal of developing new proposals in the field of fundamental theology.
Currently, Barcelona offers an ideal environment of thought and cultural diversity for such a project and also a long tradition in fundamental theology reflection. The candidate selected for the VTP will have access to a network of contacts with thinkers in the fields of economics, technology, social sciences, and humanities, which will enrich their personal project.
Applications are invited for a three-to-six-month visiting theologian position at IQS, Barcelona. The successful candidate will be offered a workspace at IQS, and all the facilities granted to faculty members such as copy-services, cafeteria, and the library services of the Universitat Ramon Llull, with remarkable Theology collections such as Biblioteca Sant Pacià (Barcelona’s Seminary School library) and Biblioteca Borja (former Jesuits’ Theology School library). The successful candidate will also have access to the library system of UNIJES (Network of Spanish Jesuit Higher Education Organizations), which includes the libraries of the Theology Schools of Deusto University (Bilbao), Pontificia Universidad de Comillas (Madrid) and Universidad Loyola (Sevilla).
The position should last from three to six months, between January and May 2026, and it is residential in Barcelona. It should pay a monthly gross stipend of €1100. The organizers offer lodgings at the Jesuit Community of the Residence of the Sacred Heart in Barcelona.
Ideally, candidates should have a background both in Theology and Philosophy. They also should have skills in research in both areas as seen in their record of publications. The tasks required from the visiting Theologian will be:
a) To develop the personal research project as declared in their application.
b) To present their research in one session at the Theological Seminar of Cristianisme i Justícia in Barcelona.
c) To give one lecture at IQS.
d) A full-time participation at the Barcelona Spring School of Theology, as a member of its faculty. This is a four-day programme for young researchers, during which two lectures of one hour are expected, and four students will be mentored.
Dr. Oriol Quintana and Dr. Xavier Casanovas, of the Chair of Ethics and Christian Thought of IQS, will be acting as faculty hosts during their stay. We welcome applications from national and international candidates.
Research topics
The following research topics correspond to the thematic lines along which, in decades past, Jesuit Theologians in Catalonia developed their work.
- Science, Technology and Sustainability
This research line includes all possible interactions between Theology and Religious studies with present-day developments in the topics of science, technology or sustainability.
- Faith and Justice
This research line includes all possible interactions between Theology and Religious studies with disciplines like Economy, Social economy, Development Studies, Social Theory, Sociology, Cultural Studies, Poverty Studies, Political Science, Politics, and topics like Aporophobia.
- Secular world and spirituality
This line includes the study of different forms of spirituality today, how they are lived, what new phenomena we are experiencing, how secular societies receive the contributions of religions, the main challenges of the post-secular context, and the question of inter-religious dialogue and theology of religions.
- Other lines of research
Other lines of research related to contemporary challenges and linked to the tradition of theological work in Catalonia can also be considered, such as the field of bioethics, feminist theology, ecclesiology, etc.
To apply for the position of Visiting Theologian, the following documents are necessary: a cover letter, aim of the project (100 words), alignment of the research project and the proposed research topics (100 words), work plan (200 words), expected outputs (200 words), a CV and a photo. To apply for the position, enter here.